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PTO/Site Council

PTO Welcomes Parents and Staff

Welcome! Ellsworth Elementary is an excellent school with talented, caring staff, enthusiastic students, and involved parents. The Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) is a volunteer group dedicated to supporting the school and enhancing Ellsworth's educational experience for all students. Key goals include:

  • Coordinating volunteer participation to support school programs
  • Hosting extra-curricular activities that encourage family involvement
  • Sponsoring activities that increase school spirit
  • Raising funds for supplemental services, equipment, and supplies.
  • Supporting the school administration in its goals

With the school year's uncertainty, we are limited in our current involvement with the school and conducting fundraisers. We are working on ways to provide events while following the current guidelines. Please be on the lookout for updates and information about upcoming PTO events.

Your involvement is important and will contribute greatly to your child’s success. We are excited that your child will be part of this school, and we look forward to getting to know your family. We invite you to become involved and make this school an even better place for all the children. Whether you choose to lead a committee or send supplies for a class activity, your help is important and appreciated.

The PTO’s number one priority is coordinating volunteers and school events. However, fundraising is also necessary. The PTO has two large fundraisers, popcorn sales, and a holiday store. We also have small, ongoing fundraisers throughout the year. For example, we collect General Mills Box Tops and have special restaurant nights. Also, you can buy school t-shirts for yourself and your children at any time during the school year.

Please feel free to contact any PTO Officer with suggestions, questions, or offers of assistance. We look forward to working with you to support our school this school year.

President: Lynne Snyder
Vice President: Kim Boren 
Secretary: Jennie McGuire
PTO MEETINGS are at 4:30pm virtually via Google Meets the first Thursday of each month.